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Look 2018

We are about to Step into 2018. Whats on God's calendar for 2018? As I asked this question, I sensed these thoughts immediately,  "look 18" so i turned to the Gospel of Luke Chapter 18. There was much in there but to condense it to a few points. 2018 will be a year when God's people will learn to release power from the secret place. Its a year our adversary will flee from an ordinary foot soldier. Its a year of acceleration. Its a year where the Church will have the opportunity to believe and receive the wonders of God with a child like faith and yet behave like sons. Its a year where the impossible will be made possible. Overall its good news for God's people even, when bad things can happen all over the world we can walk under the shadow of His wings. Cheers, Kevin Gomez Take One Action Step Today Facebook:
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